Welcome to Hayastan 2

Ahmed Ibrahim
3 min readJan 12, 2022


Armenian history is full of many interesting stories and occasions in addition to places that you have to know. So, let’s start.

1- Vardavar Water Festival

It is celebrated 14 weeks after Easter. Water festival is celebrated throughout Armenia: in large cities, districts, even small villages, and towns. Locals, regardless of age, keep pouring water from buckets on passers-by’s heads from balconies, windows… It is believed that the ones who get watered on this day will accomplish their goals. I don’t know if the Vardavar song of Aida Sargsyan relates to the festival or not.

2- Areni Wine Festival

Every year on the first Saturday of October Armenian winemakers and tens of thousands of visitors gather in Areni village in Vayots Dzor to celebrate Areni Wine Festival. Over 100 best Armenian wines from 30 producers are presented. 3000 AMD participants can buy a ticket, allowing them to taste as many wines as they want.

3- Trndez

Trndez or Tyarndaraj is a holiday, that the Armenian Apostolic Church celebrates 40 days after Armenian Christmas. The Rite of this holiday is jumping over a bonfire (the fire stands for the light & protection against evil). On the morning of February 14th, the ceremony of blessing newly married couples takes place in all churches to reinforce their love & loyalty.

4- Aghitu Memorial

In the Middle Ages Aghitu, was one of the first settlements of Syunik province. It is famous for its memorial, which was constructed in the 6th or 7th century. The sculptures of the monument resemble the sculptures of the Zvartnots temple. It is one of the rarely maintained tombs in Armenia which is thought to be a mausoleum of martyrs for the Christian religion. The arches of the chapels of the Sardarapat monument are borrowed from the memorial.

5- Alexander Spendiaryan House-Museum

Alexander Spendiaryan — a famous music composer, conductor and the founder of symphony music in Armenia. Among his famous works, there are “Almast” opera, “Yerevan Etudes”, “Crimean Sketches” and many others. It was opened in 1967 in the house, where the composer spent the last years of his life. The collection, presented in the museum, contains a lot of items including manuscripts, letters, and documents related to him.

6- Aram Khachaturian House-Museum

Aram Khachaturian was an eminent composer and conductor, considered as one of the leading Soviet composers. He wrote the first Armenian ballet music and concerto, his compositions stand for music classics of the 20th century. Khachaturian is best known for “Sabre Dance” from “Gayane” ballet, “Spartacus”, “The Piano Concerto”, and” Violin Concerto”. It was established in 1978, turning his letters, books, records and countless photos into a lifelong memory. It has already become a kind of tradition to hold various festivals, competitions, as well as meetings with prominent figures of culture in the museum.

7- Armenian Alphabet Alley

Armenian Alphabet Monument is located in the village of Artashavan, at the east side bottom of Mount Aragats. It was erected in 2005 for the 1600th anniversary of the creation of the Armenian alphabet by the design of the famous Armenian architect Jim Torosyan. The monument is an interesting demonstration of the stone carvings of 39 Armenian letters. Which was devised by Saint Mesrop Mashtots, an Armenian linguist and ecclesiastical leader, to make the Bible accessible to Armenians and spread Christianity.

8- Armenian Genocide Museum

Armenian Genocide Museum is a special constituent part of Tsitsernakaberd Memorial Complex. It contains many large photos, taken by the witnesses, archival documents, documentary films, and the original documents, issued by international organizations and parliaments of foreign countries, condemning the Genocide.

9- Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory

Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory was founded in 1946 by the legendary scientist Viktor Ambartsumian. It is recognized by the scientific community as one of the major centers for astrophysical research. There are many fascinating activities: observing space through a 2.6 m telescope, enjoying movies on various subjects via Mobile Planetarium, attending popular lectures on any Astronomical phenomena, and observing the night sky through a professional small telescope.

10- Devil’s Bridge

It is a natural bridge, formed from travertine, located on the Vorotan River in the Syunik region. The length is 30 m, and the width is 50–60 m. There are several mountain springs around the bridge, the waters of which have colored the walls of the canyon in pink, yellow, and green. The Goris-Tatev highway crosses the Devil’s Bridge. There are various hypotheses concerning the name “Devil’s Bridge”. For instance, there is a theory that less water flows in under the bridge than it flows out. This is because mineral waters are dripping from above.

Originally published at https://www.linkedin.com.



Ahmed Ibrahim

Full-fledged Content Creator & Tech Journalist. Worked previously with top publishers like AkhbarTech, Abda Adv, and RobbReportArabia.